Projects at Bhoruka

Truckers' Intervention Program

Care home for HIV infected and affected children

Reproductive Child Health Program

Anti Girl Trafficking

HIV / AIDS Stigma & Violence

HIV / AIDS Mainstreaming

Capacity Building

Work Place Intervention Program

Child Watch

Snehneer - Home away from home

CB-DOTS Program

Visit our e-library section to download manuals.

Complete medical support and care for various dieseases.

We undertake trainings on various projects. Click here for details.

We value your suggestions.
Collection Details (2007):

Total collection of the Blood Bank from January 2007 to December 2007 was 8540 units.
• Voluntary Blood Donation - 8208 units
• Exchange Donation - 332 units

Safe and Quality Blood

BHORUKA Blood Bank

Haematology & Blood Transfusion Bhoruka Research Centre for Haematology and Blood Transfusion (BRCHBT), popularly known as Bhoruka Blood Bank was established on 17th January 1982 by Late Sri P.D. Agarwal. Since then it has covered a long uninterrupted journey of 25 years and nothing could put a break to that. It is the first private blood bank in Calcutta, which was established with a mission of public welfare. A team of highly efficient and dedicated technicians are working tirelessly throughout the day & night to provide safe blood and blood components to the patients recquiring transfusion due to various reasons.
Prestigious Regional Blood Transfusion Centre status is well maintained by us.

Camp Activities

In 2007, Bhoruka had organized 158 voluntary blood donation camps throughout the year.
Monthwise number of camps
January 23
February 11
March 12
April 11
May 11
June 15
July 10
August 22
September 09
October 09
November 14
December 11

Component Preparation

Bhoruka Blood Bank is continuing campaign for the rational use of blood, 'The Red Gold Campaign'. The rational use of blood means that effective use is made of available resources by transfusing only when necessary, giving only what is needed. Crisis of summer months can be dealt with the help of the blood components to a large extent ensuring maximum utilization of blood.


•  1 doctor and technician from the Blood Bank went to Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, for a fortnight's training on Apheresis techniques.
An automated Hematological cell counter has been installed in the blood bank, with the help of which, screening of donor parameters becomes easy and reproducible.
The ISO 9001:2000 norm was confirmed after the Compliance Audit.
The prestigious Regional Blood Transfusion Center status was maintained.

The Future

•  Bhoruka is planning to install Column Cross Match Technique before dispatching the blood and products.

Bhoruka's partner in pick up service :
•  B. M. Birla Heart Research Centre
B.P. Poddar Medical Research Centre
Bhagirathi Neotia Women & Child Care Centre
West Bank Hospital
Medicare Clinic & Research Centre
Peoples MT Pvt Ltd
Wing Guard Nursing Home


In 2007, Bhoruka Blood Bank has supplied a total of 11252 units of blood and blood components. 7511 units were blood components (66.75% of the total supply, 2% less than previous year).

Quality Assuarance

Bhoruka Blood Bank has given emphasis on Quality, not only on Quantity. In recognition of Bhoruka's quality services, it has been granted the ISO 9001:2008 norm from RW TUV.

Quality Norms of Bhoruka Blood Bank:
100% voluntary blood donation
Stringent pre donation screening
Additive solution for extended self life
Six hours protocol for preparaing components
Reliable kits for reliable results
Accurate cross-match technique
24 hours & 365 days service
Professional team

Observation of World Voluntary Blood Donor's Day

Celebrated on the 14th of June, 2007 similarly as the previous years. 'Mobile Blood Donation Campaign' was held on that day.

Seropositivity Status

Total number of blood units found as sero positive for different transfusion transmitted diseases in the year 2007 is 205 (174 in 2006). Those blood units were discarded including the components. Rejection of those valuable blood and blood components has inclined us to formulate a process which can reduce the collection of sero positive blood units.
Sero-reactive status of blood unit (2007) Number Percentage
Hepatitis B 98 1.15%
Hepatitis C 29 0.34%
VDRL 58 0.68%
HIV 20 0.23%
Components Prepared

In Bhoruka Blood Bank, the following components are mainly prepared:
Concentrated Red Blood Corpuscles
Fresh Frozen Plasma
Platelet Concentrate
Cryopoor Plasma
Total component prepared in 2007 is 4252 units.
Contents are copyright of Bhoruka Public Welfare Trust, 2009 || Designed & developed: