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Abhiyan: An HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming Effort
Complete and right knowledge about HIV/AIDS is the best weapon to fight against its spread. Another thing necessary is coupling knowledge with sensitization. MRU aims at expanding the purview of HIV information coverage to such an extent that people belonging to multifarious sectors will become aware of HIV/AIDS related information.

Bhoruka is implementing this project in six districts of Bihar. These districts are marked by poverty, illiteracy, less access to services, poor civic amenities, mythical beliefs and poor communication system. The districts are East and west Champaram, Sitamahri, Madhibani, Purnea and Katihar. Mostly the projects look forward to the coordination of Government Departments, NGOs, CBOs, Non-HIV CSOs, Peoples Representatives, Opinion Leaders, Trade Union, Traders Association, SHGs, Positive Networks, youths, students etc.

Advocacy is a core component of the project. Through advocacy an enable environment will be built up. Awareness will be conducted in the community itself through advocacy. IEC materials will be extensively used, because the places are charaterized by acute mythical concepts and illiteracy. One resource Center from Patna will facilitate the ongoing of the entire activities.
HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
1. To facilitate State AIDS Control Unit in mainstreaming HIV through setting up resource center.
2. To identify different stake holders and potential support structure to channelize prevention and infection control effort at grass root level.
3. To sensitize different sectors on various issues related with HIV through building synergies & partnerships, by working with Government & non-Government entities, by strengthening systems etc
4. To build up capacity of various stake holders to tackle various vulnerable situationsrelated which HIV.
5. To build up awareness on prevention, care and treatment related with HIV/AIDS through co-ordinating and integrating HIV with other Government schemes, departments and other development activities.
Operational Plan
1. Start up activities (Sensitization)
2. District Situational Assessment (DSA)
3. Chalking out District Implementation plan
4. Building awareness (through IEC activities)
5. Advocacy at various levels
6. Capacity building and strengthening existing infrastructure
7. Developing training module for different stakeholders
8. To ensure the availability of health service at below district level by convergence existing service set up or through building strong referral unit at community level or through camp service at resource poor setting
9. Setting up Resource Center
10. Setting up Mainstreaming Resource Unit by involving different stakeholder at every district to monitor the project activity
11. monitoring and evaluation at various project implementation level
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